Background: Antenatal care is a comprehensive and quality antenatal service provided to all pregnant women. One indicator in measuring health status is the maternal mortality rate. One effort that can be made to reduce MMR is by providing quality maternal health services such as compliance with ANC visits. ANC visits are carried out at least four times during pregnancy.Objective:This research is to review and analyze what factors are related to antenatal care services for pregnant women. Research methods:using the Literature Review method by taking data sources from articles searched from Google Scholar and the Garuda Portal. Selected based on search criteria, namely from 2019-2023. Results: Based on the results
of the analysis of 15 research articles reviewed, the results showed that there were four factors related to antenatal care, including knowledge, attitudes, family support and the role of health workers. Suggestion:It is hoped that pregnant women will pay attention to their pregnancy by always having regular check-ups at health facilities according to their needs and concerns.
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