Aspek Hukum Corporate Social Responsibility Dalam Hukum Positif Indonesia
Company is considered as the source of damage to the environment, exploiting natural resources and merely concerned with corporate profits. Many companies involve and empower the community just to get sympathy, yet indeed it's the companiy's responsibility to give a different concept in which a company voluntarily donates something for a better community and cleaner environment.
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David C. Korten, Penulis Buku Laris Berjudul "When Corporation Rule The World.
Edi Suharto. Harian Pikiran Rakyat, 22 April 2008, Bias-bias dalam CSR.
__________. Negara Kesejahteraan dan Reinvanting Depsos, Makalah Seminar "Mengkaji Ulang Relevansi Walfare State dan Terobosan Melalui Desentralisasi Otonomi di Indonesia.
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